Are you ready to monetise your ideas?

Get started on your dream NOW, pick my brain for a day and get 1:1 guidance for your business

This offer is for the 'get shit done' babe.

Let's go! ðŸ”¥

9am-5pm AEST Voxer Access.  (3 touch points with Bec for the day - morning, noon, afternoon) 

What you'll get across the week:

  • Direct Access to Bec Craig via Voxer for anything related to Marketing, Social Media and Passive Income businesses
  • You can expect to get your ideas off the paper and map out some specific ideas
  • 1 x DAY 1:1 access for advice and coaching
  • The knowledge and ability to BLOW up your business and get started with direct marketing support. This offer is a vibe babe. ðŸ”¥


💻 You are agreeing to 1:1 Client Work with Bec Craig, please read the below and tick the Terms & Conditions. By agreeing, this is your contract for the 1:1 coaching session. Bec Craig is available inside the allocated, agreed upon time slots, should you require assistance outside of those times, please respect that she won't communicate regarding coaching through any Social Media apps. Voxer will be the required communication channel.

What People Are Saying:

This 1:1 voxer container is sick! Haha literally I’m just a couple of days we’ve already come up with four new product offers, I have more clarity around content and who my target audience is. Bring on the next 5 weeks!

Tessa McConkey

Your 1:1 day in Voxer was freaking amazing! I had so many Ah ha moments and universal pings. Feeling so inspired and have a clear direction of where I’m headed moving forward! Thanks so much Bec for working your magic there really is no other like you!

Peggy Rorke

$500.00 AUD



Social Media Coaching Contract

This Social Media Coaching Contract (the "Agreement") is entered into between [Your Name], ("Coach") and Client Name ("Client") on the date of [Date].

  1. Services

Coach agrees to provide social media coaching services to Client (the "Services") as follows:

  •  Conducting a discovery call to assess the Client's current social media presence and goals
  •  Providing personalized social media strategy and action plan for the Client
  •  Conducting regular coaching sessions via video conferencing, phone, or email to review progress and make adjustments to the strategy as needed
  •  Providing ongoing support and guidance to the Client throughout the coaching engagement
  1. Fees

The Client agrees to pay the Coach the fees as follows:

  •  [Fee amount] for a [Number]-week coaching engagement
  •  Payment will be made [Payment terms, e.g. in full upfront, in two installments, etc.]
  1. Cancellation and Refund Policy

The Client may cancel this Agreement at any time by providing written notice to the Coach. If the Client cancels within [Number of days] of the start date of the coaching engagement, the Client will receive a full refund. If the Client cancels after [Number of days] of the start date, the Client will be responsible for paying the full coaching fee.

  1. Confidentiality

The Coach agrees to keep all information shared by the Client during coaching sessions confidential, except in cases where disclosure is required by law.

  1. Limitation of Liability

The Coach will not be liable to the Client for any damages, including but not limited to lost profits or revenue, arising from the coaching engagement or the Services provided under this Agreement.

  1. Entire Agreement

This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Coach and the Client and supersedes all prior agreements, understandings, negotiations, and discussions between the parties.

  1. Governing Law

This Agreement will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of QLD.

By ticking the box above, the Client acknowledges that they have read and agree to the terms of this Social Media Coaching 

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